Inspiration Delivers Work. And Vice Versa.
We Thrive Because Each Project Inspires the Next
UpperNinety just upped the look of its website. Not a full refresh, but more than just subtle changes. The site is not even a year old, but we felt it could work a little harder if we introduced our specific blue, which until now had only been available on our business cards, envelopes, letterhead and other internal collateral. Now that you’re here, take a moment to survey the addition of orange and blue to the font scheme that surrounds this very blog post. Not only is the copy far more legible, the site just has more vitality to it.
This whole change made us think about why we did it. What caused us to put down our paid work to focus on ourselves for a bit? The truth is, we were inspired — just not by anything we’ve seen or any feedback that suggested we should. Our inspiration came from our recent work. You see, we just liberated ourselves from RFP jail, having just finished sending out two responses for rebrands that are very design heavy (whew!). All that work we put into those RFP responses simply got us thinking about design, and with no other immediate design projects, that inspiration was turned inward. And we’re all the better for it. At UpperNinety, we let each job inspire us — not just for the current project, but for the next as well. We want to take what we’ve learned and see if we can top ourselves again.
Success Today = Greater Success Tomorrow
Too often in advertising, an agency starts out their relationship with a client with something truly groundbreaking and highly creative, only to fall back on the formula that helped them accomplish that first campaign. The work begins to feel repetitive and stagnant. Or they see what worked at another agency, and try to replicate that success on their own turf. In the end, the work becomes … expected (the filthiest word in all of advertising). And the agencies don’t bear all the blame — the clients loved what worked the first time, and they want everything that comes next to follow the same blueprint. Everyone took a chance the first time, it worked, so they decide to stay in their comfort zone.
At UpperNinety, we pull inspiration from everything we’ve done prior. Not inspiration in the sense of “well, that worked last time, let’s do it again;” rather, it’s in the sense of inspiring ourselves to do even better with the next project. We’re inspired to compete with ourselves. instead of “what about the last project worked?”, we ask ourselves “what did we like about the result, and how can we improve upon it?” Every day, we put our present selves in competition with our past selves. It’s a dedication that pays off.
Our Inspiration is Designed to Inspire You
So what does all this mean for you and your business? It means, every time you work with UpperNinety, you don’t just get our best — you get our desire to be better than our previous best. We hunger to one-up ourselves, meaning there’s always a fire in our bellies that we funnel into any project we take on for you.
When we present our work, you’ll feel our dedication to betterment at every step. It’s in our enthusiasm during presentation, and it’s painted into every corner of the work we deliver. What inspires ends up inspiring our clients, driving them toward truly creative campaigns that generate results.
Be Inspired by Us — And with Us
If you’re ready to work with an advertising company that thrives on inspiration, drop us a line. We’re poised to work with you and your organization to uncover that hidden gem of a campaign that parts the sea of sameness to help you reach the land of success. We’re inspired to give you work that’s original, unexpected and, most importantly, effective.